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We’re coming up on a month of me being in 24/7 chastity. We are very new to the FLR lifestyle. I’ve always been intrigued by dominant women. My wife is not that. It took a while for me to convince her to take control. I found a decent book on kindle that was a great guide on how FLRs work and the benefits of them. Since being locked im usually allowed to cum once a week so far. We’ve been together almost 20 years and we’ve never communicated better. We’re much more affectionate with each other. We make out daily which before it had been years since we kissed with passion. I’ve stepped up more around the house. Took over doing laundry, which I’ve never really done since being with her. Were still trying new things and adapting to make the lifestyle fit our(her) needs. In the short time it’s been nothing short of amazing!