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    • #91046

      Chastity is an important part of my FLR. Masturbation is not allowed. My wife controls whether there is any sex. We have been doing this for a few years. Now I am disappointed when I do orgasm. My mind stays focused on pleasing her when denied for long periods of time.

      Is Chastity part of your FLR?

    • #93897
      Supportive Sub

      Chastity is a big part of our broader WLM. My Wife has 24/7 control and only releases me if I pleasure her sufficiently first over an extended period. It certainly makes me focus solely on meeting her needs. I have learnt not to expect any release in return but to focus on her needs as this gives me great joy. Any release I get is a gift to be treasured

      • #96089
        Abby Lee

        It was very hard for me at first but I have learned to derive my please by satisfying my wife orally and doing things to support my wife and make her life more pleasant as the breadwinner of our household. she has made it clear that my actions do more to satisfy her than my below average package ever did. it’s the life we choose sis.

    • #94980

      I’ve never been in a flr, but I do like the idea of male chastity with the woman holding the keys. For me it could only be in a relationship that is 1 on 1, not with her having others on the side. I can’t stress that part enough! I have done pussy worship only hookups in the past, and enjoy how that can go on for hours. Whereas if I got a bj that came, its over.

    • #95209

      My chastity cage is mostly to prevent me from masturbation (which was a habit I couldn’t break myself of). Of course I’m expected to be faithful to my wife and not have sex with anyone else, but I don’t have much opportunity for that, so the cage is mostly to eliminate my self-pleasuring. Whenever my wife goes out, or when I go anywhere by myself, the rule is that I put my device on, lock it, and then she checks to be sure it’s secure. We have separate bedrooms, so I also wear it at night.

    • #96086

      I agree that it is an important part. I think that if you know certain signs, for example, that your domme does not fancy you in any way, then chastity becomes easier to develop. There is less need for a cage to keep those urges under control. You can then focus on other aspects to make your queen happy.

    • #105675

      We’re coming up on a month of me being in 24/7 chastity. We are very new to the FLR lifestyle. I’ve always been intrigued by dominant women. My wife is not that. It took a while for me to convince her to take control. I found a decent book on kindle that was a great guide on how FLRs work and the benefits of them. Since being locked im usually allowed to cum once a week so far. We’ve been together almost 20 years and we’ve never communicated better. We’re much more affectionate with each other. We make out daily which before it had been years since we kissed with passion. I’ve stepped up more around the house. Took over doing laundry, which I’ve never really done since being with her. Were still trying new things and adapting to make the lifestyle fit our(her) needs. In the short time it’s been nothing short of amazing!

    • #105889

      Just got an alert new cage god delivered today. I want to leave work early so bad to try it on. Just a couple months ago I would’ve never thought not being able to cum would bring me so much excitement lol.

    • #106007

      Last night we experienced ruined orgasms for the first time. My wife loved it so much she gave me 3 of them. She was amazed, as was I, that even after leaking from my cock 3 times within ten minutes I still stayed rock hard. Another great new thing is when we try new things when we’re done my wife has me feel how wet her made her. She’s starting to love this lifestyle as much as me.

    • #108429

      In an earlier comment, I’d described being kept in chastity only when unsupervised such as when my Wife was ou or when I was out doing something without Her. But we decided that it was a bothersome exercise to put the cage on and off so frequently and She decided that it was easier and simpler just to keep me in chastity all the time.
      Although my cage is the smallest we could find my penis only fills it about halfway when soft, When erect, though, I swell enough to push against the bars, which wakes me up when I get a morning erection. Also, an erection is just that…it wants to stand up in a position for sex; but, like most cages, mine forces my penis downward and won’t allow it to become erect.
      My Wife hasn’t yet mentioned any schedule for masturbation. I’m thinking of bringing it up at a relationship review discussion but want to wait for the right timing and opportunity.

      • #109477

        Bobbie, that sounds like such a fantastic dynamic you have and your Wife has really supported you getting some bad habits under control. I love to read this, as a long-single sub myself, it’s great to see/know these relationships do exists and are done right. Love the relationship review discussion too!

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