Home Forums Dating Discussion and Ads Men Seeking FLR Personal Ads 52 ohio. seeking flr longterm to possbley marruage

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    • #10438
      Just a man

      I am just aman nothing more. I don’t wear a cape or costume. I am masculine, work and will only consider an flR relationship.
      I have always done better in life following my partner oppossed t0 leading I prefer understanding my partners expectations instead of guessing.I believe in female led domestic dcsicpline and believe a man holds the lady in his life with high regard. it is very simple to talk to me.
      440-6793444 you are welcome to call or text
      i also have hangouts email justamanohio@gmail.com
      please contact me only if you’re serious

      • This topic was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Just a man.
      • This topic was modified 2 years ago by Just a man.
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