Home Forums AboutFLR.com Site Updates and Improvements Current Goals for AboutFLR

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    • #13077

      AboutFLR.com has been back online for a year now and I thought I should make a post about where we are and where we are going. The site still needs a lot of work but things are improving. Visits and pageviews have doubled since this time last year, we’ve improved layout of the website, especially the front page (still needs some work), and we’ve published our first new FLR article since the site came back online. FLR and the Challenge of Gender Socialization by MlleSadie, it’s a well written article about important FLR topics that I hope all of you will read.

      Here are our current goals for AboutFLR:

      More Articles
         We have a lot of great content but there are many FLR topics that could use more attention, and new posts help keep AboutFLR fresh and users coming back.

         Current Goals:

      • Primarily female written content
      • Both “autoritative” and opinion / personal experience articles
      • More in depth articles about specific FLR topics
      • Thumbnail image for every article

      Poll/Quiz System
         The polls on the old site were very popular and some of the results were interesting though obviously not very scientific. Bringing back polls is high on the list of things to do.

         Current Goals:

      • New poll system: 75% done
      • FLR Personality Quiz: 99% done
      • FLR Level Quiz: 0% done

      FLR Couple Interviews
         Every FLR is different but it is important to see how other couples are living in real Female Led Relationships.

         Current Goals:

      • Post interviews from old site
      • Find FLR couples willing to be interviewed
      • Find interviewer

      Dating System
         One of the most popular parts of the old site and an important tool for starting new FLRs and making friends as well.

         Currently in planning stage.

      FLR Books
         In depth books on a variety of FLR topics, similar to the books on the old site.

         Currently looking for writers.

      Verification System
         A feature of some other sites. Both women and men would have the option to have their identity privately verified by the site administrators

         Currently in planning stage.

      Please comment below with any questions or comments and if you would like to volunteer to help with AboutFLR you can email me at: aboutflr@protonmail.com

      • This topic was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Admin.
      • This topic was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Admin.
      • This topic was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Admin.
      • This topic was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Admin.
      • This topic was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Admin.
    • #13156

      Hi. Great job with the site so far. Is there anywhere we can still buy the ebooks AboutFLR used to sell?

      • #13192

        Hi zero, glad you like the site and thanks for being a member and participating. I forgot about the ebooks, just added that to the goal list. I don’t think you can buy the old ebooks currently, I have seen paper back copies available on a few websites. Did you buy any of the ebooks on the old site? Which ebooks are you looking for?

    • #13205

      There were several:

      A Man’s Guide to Introducing His Wife, Partner or Girlfriend to Female Led Relationship by M Lyman Hill

      What To Do When Your Man Asks You For A Female Led Relationship by M. Lyman Hill

      A Man’s Guide to Introducing His Wife, Partner or Girlfriend to Female Led Relationship – FOR CHRISTIAN MEN by M. Lyman Hill

      Would love to read these. Can we buy them through you?

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by zero.
    • #13479

      Unfortunately we don’t currently have those for sale. Do you have any of the books AboutFLR used to sell?

    • #13483

      Yes. I have the paper version of “What To Do When Your Man Asks You For A Female Led Relationship.” Looking for the other two in any form.

      Now that I think about it, I also have “The Five Food Groups” paperback.

      Are you still in contact with M. Lyman Hill who used to run this site?

      • This reply was modified 3 years ago by zero.
    • #13524

      Agreed. Excellent work so far and very interesting goals for what will follow.

    • #14749
      Maid Stephanie

      How about an ad campaign? I’d be willing to help. Here’s a sample slogan for a billboard…

      Female Led Relationships (FLR)
      Only those with the courage to be vulnerable can experience this level of joyful intimacy.

      Love the site. Wish we could grow it.


    • #14751
      Maid Stephanie

      Also add the website address of course

      • #14957

        Yes, I agree, the site address is definitely needed

    • #14955

      Stephanie, really good slogan!

    • #20062

      Hi Everyone

      I’m loving the content on the site so far. Seeing the plan leaves me excited for more. Thanks so much for everything you do


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